Friday, 6 September 2013

Just One Moment ... Exactly a year later

It's been exactly a year since i published a post on this blog and posts on my personal blog have been sporadic as well. Last year 7th September, i spotted a rainbow in the evening while leaving from work.

This time things were different and to be honest, exactly the opposite.Talk about the other side of the coin or turning tides. I prayed to spot a rainbow as i left for work (as the sun was out while the rain worked) last year it was spontaneous.
It was the morning of 6th September, while it was evening a year ago. (Just FYI the blog clock is running as per EST not IST, it's 1:20am on Saturday 7th September as i type)
I was talking about being at the right place at the right time in 2012 while in 2013 i was contemplating about not being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Conspicuous by absence.

It also makes me realize, the fact that everything is in fact ephemeral. Nothing and absolutely Nothing in the world stays the same. Change is but the only constant. It is only movement that keeps the world in check.
While last year i was talking about dwelling in that one moment - a moment that makes you feel sheer bliss - this time around i talk about the need for constantly doing something, changing something in the world. I am sure for every bad that happens and equal an opposite amount of good happens too (balance a la Newton??)

I  realized i believe in Magic and wished upon a rainbow. The fact that when you wish for something good for someone with all your heart, not only does it happen but something good might come out of it for you too. I realised my beliefs change everyday with the things i come across and assimilate, the world as i knew it a year ago is a lot different than today. Yes, people change - not because they truly do but because your perception of them might have also been tweaked a little over time. So when you do think about someone changing, it's only natural. Don't beat yourself or them up for it. It is the way it must be. What fun would it be to play the same game everyday or watch the same episode of a SitCom everyday for the rest of your life? BO(OOOOOOOO)RING i'd say!

One year is barely anything and if i can feel my thoughts change in a year, i realize the significance of moments too. That one moment of defeat, embarrassment, fear, excitement, anxiety, nonchalance,calm, happiness, success, exhilaration and finally contentment. I know my state of mind changes from one moment to the next. So just a whole lot of "just one moments" are required to make our life what it truly is!
The formula of
{(just one moment) * (our time on earth)}/(negative experiences- lessons learnt)= ENRICHING Lifetime

And the moment of epiphany came by a second ago and i have made a new quote. "Always ask for a Bhelpuri or Life will give you a Bleh Puri!" - Karen Sonia Aranha... signing off... *I need my Sleep* zzzzzzz

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