Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Bisociation - *READ ME FIRST*

Hey Unilever R&D Skin Team!
        I’ve been brainstorming ways to help inject some beauty into the team, and this site “blogger” is one of the outlets I am going to use to help expose you to media that you may not have been otherwise.  Why?  Because viewing life through the lens which I am accustomed to may force you to think differently than you might normally.  Maybe you don’t believe me just yet… I took a class this past semester called “Innovation and Value Creation,” from which I learned about Bisociation.  Bisociation is the intersection of two or more different matrices of understanding to yield an “AHA!” moment of creativity/beauty/innovation.  This suggests why most inventions were developed along trade routes.  Intersecting our different ways of thinking is where the magic starts!
       This is no easy task, especially when google isn’t even on my side (the default browser in India, google.co.in, tailors your search results to what google thinks Indians like.. you have to use google.com/ncr if you want to see what the world likes!).  The only way this will really work is if you keep up with what I post and keep an open mind! You can follow me at sean-morrisroe.blogger.com  I intend my posts to be about beauty, and I will update periodically.  If all goes according to plan, after 10 weeks of some solid, Sean Morrisroe…USA…University of Connecticut…hot dog eating…baseball watching…country music listening, Grade A knowledge I will have had some lasting impact which will change the way you think, if even only a little bit!  
      Let’s have some fun with this, we should also keep this blog updated with fun things the team does, I’ve made it so anyone can also post (although you may need to sign up for a free account with blogger)!


  1. Hey Sean, this is great. Maybe we can start another blog which can be viewed by a closed group so everyone can contribute on it... What say?

  2. hi Sean.. Nice blog..!! Keep coming them
